21stNov. × ’18

I think about
naming you

Will you be more of a Vivian
full of life exuding rapture to all ends?
Or will you be Daisy
open to all, bright and bringing light
all the day long?
Or will you be Hannah
which your dad was supposed to be named
had he been a girl
or his brother or other brother
who never were
and now there’s you
little girl

Or shall we call you Celeste
for the stars in the sky
all of the hopes vaulted high?
Or will you be Cecelia
the goddess of music
room to be any medly you choose?
Or simply Lyric
forget allusions
my love of words
and your father’s of tune

He says
Shouldn’t we wait until she’s born to decide?
As if you’ll pop out fully formed
with opinions and style

I smile
still so much to us

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