
31stOct. × ’10

Exclusivity (n):
1. What you wish you could do?
2. What you’re not willing to take action to do?
3. What you really do not want to be a part of
but want to be anyway?
4. What you lack motivation for?
5. What you lack skills for?

6. Your desire to be a plant
though you are a mammal.
When you wish you were a dolphin
or the dog who gets to stay home
though you would be bored.

7. Conflict, desire, too many hopes
lacking commitment
love of everything.

8. Thanatos and eros on a timeline
no more seesaws

Drive what drives you;
Rise like cream to the cloud lining.
You really wish for this
very moment very now very way
remind yourself to smile
nothing is wrong.

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