10thAug. × ’18

Dear Orchid,

I think I may
abuse you

After our careful courtship
of directions on weekly watering
and other such basic maintenance
I promptly forgot
which day I started

Each time I walk by
I feel so much guilt
that I am killing you
that I let you wilt longer

When I finally convince myself to respond
I significantly overdo it

Perhaps you are now drowning
And now you remind me
of how much dying we do everyday

Perhaps this is how other people feel
about other things
about which I am annoyed
with them

Perhaps we all are careless about some things
in our gardens

You must envy the tree outside
the rain that gets to touch her
upon which she can subsist

Though you would be done out there ever so quickly
and she too must be jealous of you

To tend and to be tended to
forever wanting what we cannot take

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